
Even when you store all your food properly to prolong freshness, plan your meals to use all your food resourcefully, and minimize food waste by preserving you will still find yourself with food scraps from preparation and the occasional limp vegetable forgotten in the back of the fridge. So what better way to not waste these either by turning the trash of today into your food of tomorrow by creating some fabulous compost!
This book is a quick and easy read and is a great place to start:
Worms Eat my Garbage by Mary Appelhof
I do a lazy man's version of worm composting. I made my own box out of a large Tupperware container that I drilled holes in for ventilation. Then I made some bedding for my worms, primarily out of newspaper, as outlined in "Worms eat my garbage." Then I bought some worms
online (they came in the mail!) and now I just throw my food scraps in there. It has been quite low maintenance and has worked great.

This is a picture of my homemade system from when I was setting it up. That is a big ball of worms in the middle!
Of course you can get much fancier and buy vermicomposting systems online or make elaborate backyard composting systems - it is all about what works for you!
Check out some online resources about vermicomposting:
Worm composting
More worm compostingOr if you live in Columbia, MO you can attend a
free composting workshop