I'm back from my Indian Health Service rotation in New Mexico. While I've been missing the last four weeks of CSA vegetables in Missouri I got the opportunity to enjoy lots of local New Mexican foods - like the lamb, squash and black bean and goat cheese quesadillas from
the Pink Adobe in Santa Fe!

I also got to check out the beautiful Taos farmer's market!

Lots of delicious chili dishes in New Mexico - like these blue corn crusted goat cheese chili rellenos from
Doc Martin's in Taos

I also got to eat some delicious local Colorado food at the
Cyprus Cafe in Durango, Colorado

And of course I also enjoyed the local fare on the reservation including fry bread, mutton, and kneel down bread. I also brought home some locally milled flour and blue corn meal.
Here are some recipes to try from my New Mexico trip:
Blue cornmeal pancakesNavajo frybreadNew Mexico green chile stewGreen chile cheeseburgers